Monday, May 21, 2012

Politics in the Public Sphere

I have been reviewing my blogs from the past, and realized, that while awesome, they do not reflect the serious nature of the world in which we reside. This past year has been informative in my views on life, and the struggles we all face. Here are two things about me. I got engaged last week, and this is our temple.
Photo courtesy of

As I have been reflecting on the lessons learned this last year, I have realized that people like to get letters. I think letter writing is the wave of the future. IMs, texting, vlogs, Skyping, video chats, American Idol, tweeting, Facebook posting, emoticons, emailing, and even telegraphing have served us well thus far. However there is something missing from all of these.

It is easy to confuse virtual communication to a pretend audience of accidental listeners with sincere and honest expressions of personal narrative. It is easy to see that when I am out of practice in my writing, that I quickly go nowhere. In times past I would quickly get to a point that I thought was funny, but would ultimately confuse listeners. However, as I grow apart from my practice, I quickly lose the train of irrational reasoning that i was trying to build.

Now we come to the point, so let me recap.
1. I have not written in over a year.
 2. I got engaged to Hannah this last week, and we will marry in the Seattle Temple. (See picture above).
3. Random ramblings on different forms of communication in order to make this post longer
4. Here is a picture of a duck.

5. Next is picture of two real ducks; not a duck representation of Hannah and I. Nor is it a silly rendering of a duck engagement photo.

Reflections on Family, Part 1

My grandfather is a collector. He does not collect items, or wealth. He is a collector of knowledge.

Quote of the day: Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

Blonde Moments of the Day

I apologize for my last post. I never fully explained why I cheese is better than fruit. I will rectify this deficiency.

Now we are all aware that cheese is the fifth alchemical element. In fact, it has consistently been voted "Most Popular Basic Element," as well as "Basic Element Most Likely to be Confused for a Side Celestial Body." (Side note: Speaking of basic elements, I loved singing along to the "Captain Planet" theme song when I was younger. It was with great excitement that joined the shout out: "Earth, fire, wind, water, heart, cheese." Although, I am disappointed at how often the other Planeteers had to rely on Suchi, the Planeteer of cheese, to rescue Captian Planet. I know cheese is important. But, the writers really took it too far in this series. It is transparent how much influence the cheese-ists had during the early Nineties. I am surprised they didn't name the show "Cheese Planet," although that does sound tasty.) Fruit, on the other hand, was only voted "Most Likely to Come from a Flowering Plant." And that vote has been grossly tainted by Tomatogate. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the vote is overturned in the ballot recount. I mean, look at what the Charon controversy did to Pluto. (That really was Pluto's fault. In matters of planetary politics, you have to keep your distance. If you get to close to controversy, then you are going to get sucked in, burned, or torn apart. That is why I like Earth's positioning. Earth has been able to keep itself in hidden between the planetary giants, and the center. Get too close to the center, and Earth would get burned.)

Next weeks topic: Why green should be removed as a basic food group.

Portrait of my Sis.

"This story begins with Erica, because a good story begins with an intriguing introduction. However, this is not the end of Erica's role. She is also the subject of this story."

This is an introduction to a story never told. It would be a great story. That is all.