Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Apples Apples Everywhere

Today was apple picking day. Oh the joy of climbing up in a tree. Pushing your way past the twisted branches. Seeing how high up the branches will hold you. Although, climbing the tree probably means that I didn't trim the tree correctly while it was still cold.

To be fair, I have never trimmed this tree. It is not our tree. We picked apples from the trees in the backyard of Hannah's employers. They have been overly busy preparing for a gluten-free expo, and the trees had already lost almost half of their fruit. We still pulled in nine buckets of apples.

The good news about picking apples is that it means fresh apples, apple pie, and hopefully applesauce. The bad news is I can't think of any good bad news to report. That is right. No good bad news to report.

Sure, there is plenty of bad bad news to report. For example, I took my socks off when I got home, and I don't know if I put them in the dirty clothes. As you can see that was bad bad news. In fact, it wasn't even worth reporting. I am not even sure why I mentioned it. However, there it stands. I am not even sure how to take it back. Once you type something into a blog, you can't delete it. I am sure that is true, and not made up.

Hannah and I enjoyed picking apples today. It was fun. I would say it was reminiscent of being in Washington, visiting my parents, working on their six apple and three pear trees.

Word of the day:
Apple: the usually round, red or yellow, edible fruit of a small tree, Malus sylvestris,  of the rose family.

Post script. Hannah found my socks. They are now put away.

Why We Fish... The First Part

My father has always enjoyed fishing. Since I was of a young age, I remember him talking of owning a boat. He made plans through out my childhood of boating, and greatly enjoyed going out on Lake Powell when Grandpa Caldwell had a boat there. After we moved to Washington, my father began his goal of owning a boat. We started out small. He began with a row boat.