Saturday, March 9, 2013

2 Parent Lee (The Second Part)

We all know that babies are super cute. They are so adorable, and loving. They have joy in their hopeful little eyes. They redefine priorities, and bring families together. As we see pictures of my niece, my wife and I think, "Yep, that will be like us soon. We too will have a cute baby."

Also, my wife is definitely getting very excited for our little boy. I can tell by how she acts and carries herself. Like her baby song. The first line goes "baby, baby, baby, baby, baby;" the second line has subtle similarities. I have also noticed a slight difference in how she spends her time, such as going to the doctor. Her nightly habits are also a little different as well. It was a real shock earlier this week when Hannah woke up in the middle of the night worried that the baby might need to be fed. Fortunately she didn't send me to go and check on the baby in the other room. I don't know how to check on yet-to-be born babies in cribs we haven't bought yet. It is the small things that gives me clues that Hannah is anxiously waiting with anticipation for our child.

I also find it cute how my wife spends her time. She also talks and sings to the baby, as well as feeling him move several times during the day.  If I'm around when this happens she grins at me and says "he kicked me again" and guides my hand to the spot on her belly where he's at.  We can see her baby bump growing now, though most people wouldn't notice it. 

Word of the Day:

A Parent Lee (Two of Them)...

... is having a little baby boy in July.