Monday, August 27, 2012

Inspired Organization

 Here is a graphic of the lay leadership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

That is all.

Yep, I have nothing else to add.

Well, I did forget to cite the reference. You can find out more information at or at

Saturday, August 25, 2012

How many ways can you define "run"?

The move went great! We are safe, our stuff is safe. However our safe is not safe. When we unloaded the safe was not there. It is heart breaking that we lost all of those items that we had stored inside the safe. Now I think the safe didn't survive the move due to a tragic design flaw. Unfortunately, we were aware of the flaw when we chose this particular brand. Nevertheless, we only have ourselves to blame for getting an imaginary safe. Let us all have a virtual moment of silence for our imaginary safe.

We are liking our apartment. It is small, and cozy. Our neighbors are friendly. Our landlords are great.

Word of the day: Run.

Friday, August 24, 2012

5 millions 5 hundred 29 thousand 6 hundred

Today's post is brought to you by the the letter B, the number 5,529,600, and Hannah, who appears as lavender lettering

 As of this post, there are 64 days until our nuptials. How about blessed nuptials. Blissful, gleeful. Nuptial works. Gleeful nuptials sounds weird. This is according to Below is a timer of the seconds left until 64 days are expired.

This is a dynamic timer that show how many seconds until 64 days are expired. Let the record show that this is  NOT a dynamic timer and Ryan is terrible. It is a dynamic timer, it is constantly and accurately showing the precise number of seconds left until 64 days are expired. 

Word of the day:
hymeneal: Archaic A wedding; nuptials

Editor's note. This post was not posted the day it was written. It is now 4 weeks. That is four, f-o-u-r-e, weeks after the wedding date of Hannah and Ryan Lee. However, we the management and editing team (that is I, Ryan Lee) felt it best to post this even if it is late.
